What Is Perfect Crime ? (English)



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"What is perfect crime?" As strange as this question sounds, its answer is equally meaningful. This one question is similar to the root of this whole collection, in relation to which some people have thoughts like this - 'Perfect crime can be that when no evidence of crime is found..'. Now looking a little further than this, 'Perfect crime may be that no one knows about the crime..'. But looking further than this, the biggest problem is that 'after being a crime, no one should feel a crime..'. Maybe... the same thing happened to us. Before understanding this, let us understand this letter written by Max Muller to Bairam Malbari -

"You accept the Veda as an ancient historical text, which describes the thoughts of the people of an ancient and simple character. Then you will be able to appreciate it and be able to accept some of it, especially in today's era also the teachings of the Upanishads..., But you find in it steam engines and electricity, European philosophy and morality, and you take away from it its true nature. You destroy its true values and you destroy its historical continuity that has been linking the present with its past...( 29/01/1882 )".

This paper was published after Max Müller's death by his wife, Georgia Max Müller. He published more such letters, which clearly reflected the Christian teaching of the British authority and the tampering with Indian texts. In the name of translation, the originals of the texts were changed to their English meanings, which is evidenced by this verse of the Rigveda-"Yunjanti Vrangham Charantam Paritasthushah Rochante Rachanadivi (R. 1.6.1)", In this verse, the meaning of 'Vrangham' has been taken as horse in English translation whereas its real meaning is from God. This has been done not only to degrade the Indian texts but also to separate their influence from their originals. Because no nation can be completely ruled as long as its culture is alive among its people. This was a matter of concern for the British Government, which is clearly visible in this letter by Max Müller to the Secretary of the Statusduke of Argyle -

"India has been won once. But India must be won again and this second victory must be through Christian education. Recently much has been done for education, but if this amount is doubled or quadrupled, then such It will not be difficult to do. The Christianity of India may not be like our nineteenth century Christianity, but the ancient religion of India has sunk here, yet if Christianity does not spread here, then whose fault will it be? (16/12/1868)"

It is unfortunate that the credit of modern education in India is given to Macaulay who described 'a line of a book from a library in Europe as more valuable than the priceless heritage of India'. Simultaneously, Max Muller's education design, which gave rise to false facts like "Aryan theory", was made the basis of Indian ancient history.It was a victory for the British government over the Indian education system, which is ruling us even after independence. There is hardly any better and successful definition of Prefect Crime, which has been written in golden letters in the pages of our history and we cannot even see it. Thanks!
- Rishabh Bhatt

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