Incompleteness At Every Turn Book by Rishabh Bhatt

Copyright © Rishabh Bhatt

Incompleteness At Every Turn

By Rishabh Bhatt

ISBN : 979-8894986159

Year : 2024

Paperback ₹280

From the sunlight in the morning sky to sleeping at night, there is an incompleteness in every moment. The eyes look at the horizon; even at the end of that horizon, incompleteness is visible. If some words come out from smiling lips, some of them are incomplete. This incompleteness has become so attached to our lives that we cannot get rid of it even if we want to. Now the question in your mind will be whether to accept this incompleteness as your life? So the answer is no, in this thirst of incompleteness we get the opportunity to touch the heights of success. We get an opportunity to meet people. We form relationships with them and through these relationships a cycle of nature is created in which everyone is tied to each other. "Incompleteness At Every Turn" This book is a journey of incompleteness in which every story is wandering somewhere in search of its completeness. Ask yourself the answer to each story and see what answer your heart gives. I believe you will always get a positive answer. Whenever negativity develops inside us, our desires overpower us at that moment. We are not able to understand the difference between right and wrong. But in the meantime, if we find a small pitiful scene, then the unit of positivity within us gets awakened. Believe me, this unit of positivity is the identity of this human life.

Part 1

It is said that life is incomplete without love and it is such an incompleteness that one has to live with it for the entire life. It is not that we love everyone, this love chooses only one person among billions of people and loves him more than his own life. Then this desire is so strong that the person gets the strength to fight even the whole world. This force is as strong as separating time from falling sand. But even then this link breaks and people separate. In this separation, people's support becomes their tears. The pain, loneliness, loneliness all start coming together after the loss of love. The love with which we dream of spending seven lifetimes gets separated from us in a moment. Perhaps one age is too short to accept this. No matter how much we try to forget, we cannot forget him. Some of the sighs emanating from the moment when two hearts separate are presented before you through these few stories, which have left their love incomplete. Where will they end up? Even I don't know this, but if you have the strength to fulfill your love in the depth of incompleteness of these stories, then you are the biggest warrior.

Part 2

We have grown up listening to stories since childhood and we judge life on the standards of these stories which show us the path of right and wrong. This story is also about that love, which everyone wants to live and whose pain every person in this world has experienced through some means or the other. The first part of this book is made up of some such creative stories which will always be your companion in every journey of life and love. For example, if you pluck flowers with your hands and make someone's courtyard smell good, then your hands also remain fragrant with it. Similarly, if you serve a tree and make it grow, it makes you rich with all the facilities like fruits, shade and wood. Similarly, through the foundation of these stories, you can create a wonderful tree of your imagination. Which I present before you through some of my word pictures.

Part 3

History is witness to the fact that in order to crush civilizations, attempts have always been made to destroy their sacred texts. No civilization can be enslaved as long as its culture is in the hearts of its people. Therefore there have always been attempts to tamper with these texts and the thinking of people. Similar deceptions have happened to me and you for thousands of years, which have become a part of our lifestyle. But a time comes when the curtain is lifted from every liar and the truth comes out. With some such truths, this part will make you understand the deception that happened to you. Such deceptions that you have hardly ever heard of or cannot even imagine. Our culture has always embraced the whole world and when we made the vaccine, we handed it over to the whole world by writing “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin” on it. Taking advantage of this innocence of ours, people of some other religions and countries have tortured us a lot. The wings of India, known as the golden bird, were plucked out. When even this did not satisfy their hunger, they started trampling on our religious scriptures, which made a place in our thinking. Now is the time to change those thinking, the third part of this book dedicated to this change is for you...

Still, I would like to tell you that whatever art I have used in writing this book is less than your curiosity. Inside me, inside you, as well as inside every story, there is incompleteness that continues to leave its mark. Whatever I could recognize in these impressions, I present them to you along with this book. These impressions have given me a lot, every story of mine is made up of these few impressions. Had it not been for this, had it not been for the incompleteness I got from it, I would not have been able to write even a single line with my pen. The wave of curiosity within me came at a time when I felt love from within. Within a few moments this love completely separated me from my past. Even today when I look back, think about myself, I realize that I am not what I used to be. If I am capable of presenting these things to you, then stories have contributed to them. These stories taught me to speak, taught me to play with books and it is because of these stories that today I have presented before you with something.

If we read all those books of childhood which we did not read at that time, they touch our heart. This incompleteness brought me back to that period, due to which I was able to present those stories to you in a fresh way. I know you, you know me and we all know each other. This is because there is a feeling in all of us which has still not changed even after thousands of changes. Even today, the DNA of every human being in the world is the same. God has made us equal and given us different qualities. If we build our life on the basis of these qualities and our actions, then this world will be able to get the right direction. A positive force will be created which will take the future further. We have to fight the incompleteness within us and become thirsty and search for the well. If we reach near this well, our thirst will be quenched for a few moments by the water of that well. Life also has the same relation with incompleteness. We try to complete what we know is incomplete. After it is complete, some more incompleteness become visible. Just like drinking water from a well once quenches thirst only for a few moments. After some time, we feel thirsty again and we need water again. This same cycle continues in our lives between incompleteness and life. Therefore, we should always keep moving forward while fighting this.

Awarded to

Rishabh Bhatt

for publishing “Incompleteness At Every Turn” 

Copyright © Rishabh Bhatt 

Made with the Notion Press Platform


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